How to Source Passive IT Candidates

Tech talents are modern ninjas – it’s hard to find them as they do not post their resumes on job boards and they do not polish their Linkedin profiles. But they leave traces by contributing to professional networks like GitHub, StackOverflow or Kaggle. Let’s see what effective tools like AmazingHiring search engine have in its arsenal to recruit passive IT talents.

7 min to read

Find IT Candidates’ Profiles

Just like Google, Booking or Skyscanner, AmazingHiring is an aggregator which contains information about IT candidates across the web. It provides you with access to millions of IT talents profiles aggregating data from 50+ resources.

Using simple Boolean operators you create a search query and get a list of the most relevant candidates.  The search form supports advanced boolean syntax and provides more editing capabilities. Here are some logical operators that can be used to compose a query:

  • AND –  to find profiles that contain all the required variables
  • OR – to find profiles that contain at least one of the variables
  • NOT – to exclude not required variables from the search
  • ( ) –  to group parts of queries and prioritize between clauses (as in mathematical equations)
  • “”  – to search for exact phrases. Necessary to use with all the words combinations containing space, e.g. «machine learning»

Once you have entered a new variable, AmazingHiring will automatically suggest using one of the five logical operators.

By the way, if you are worried about the number of synonyms for each search condition, please don’t be. Leave it to AmazingHiring to sort it out.

Moreover, you can specify your search query as much as you need. Alongside with hiding profiles viewed within any period of time and profiles already selected, you have more filters available:

  • Years of experience
  • Years in the current company
  • Available contacts
  • Social profiles & CVs
  • Seniority level
  • Company
  • Education
  • City or country

Apart from it, our AI Sourcing is the fastest way to target the most relevant tech talents in the market!

The AI-algorithm builds a pool of the most relevant profiles for the role you are willing to fill. Based on the big data analysis, AmazingHiring AI will sort and rank candidates and how they are fit for an open position across several attributes, including job title, work experience, skills, candidate’s activity in professional communities. As a result, you get a highly targeted search output and avoid screening hundreds of candidate profiles.

Start finding IT candidates with AmazingHiring >>


Pre-screen IT candidates

AmazingHiring consolidates information about the candidates and gives useful insights for recruiters about prospect’s technical stack and current technology specialization. 

Apart from the full technical stack, you can see the full social footprint of the candidate and review their activity on social media or professional networks.


Contact prospects with personalized emails

With AmazingHiring you get access to candidates’ publicly available contacts with the information about where exactly the contacts were found.

Start the conversation by mentioning the candidate’s professional achievements in order to attract a potential employee’s attention. Use the information provided by AmazingHiring about the professional path and digital footprint to personalize your message. Here are a few examples of how it might look like:

  • “Hi, Mark! I saw that you made it to the top 4% of SQL developers on StackOverflow! Congratulations!”

  • “I noticed that you are among the top 0.3% of java-developers on StackOverflow and I was actually looking for a j2ee expert for the company X global project.”

You can also check the Facebook profile or personal blog of the candidates and mention their personal interests, mutual university or a past company in the email. Discover more about how to personalize emails to candidates.  

Start sourcing passive candidates with AmazingHiring >>


Manage candidates pipeline

Last but not least, AmazingHiring is integrated with MixMax, Greenhouse and SmartRecruiters. It gives you an opportunity to source tech talents in AmazingHiring, reach out to them and successfully track the process in your ATS.


AmazingHiring has already found IT candidates for you!  

Ready to start sourcing IT candidates?

AmazingHiring is an AI-based aggregator to source passive IT candidates across the web. It finds people profiles from 50+ networks like GitHub, StackOverflow, Facebook, Kaggle, etc. and provides recruiters with candidates’ professional background, contacts, social footprint. 

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