Jonathan Kidder, aka the “WizardSourcer,” is a top-ranked technical talent sourcing recruiter, staffing expert, and corporate trainer who assists organizations of all sizes in identifying and attracting top talent. A wizard at harnessing the power of social networking, Boolean strings, search aggregators, deep web searching, scrapers, and other advanced technology tricks and tools. In 2015, he founded a recruiting blog called WizardSourcer which has become one of the leading knowledge resources for recruiters online. His mission is simple: To help Recruiters and Talent Sourcers stay updated on the latest sourcing trends within our community. Currently, John works as a Recruiter at Amazon.
Technical recruitment is a dynamic industry, where needs and trends are constantly changing. AmazingHiring team has introduced new features to bring even more value to recruiters and sourcers and make user experience better and more efficient. Let’s dive into them! Even more candidates to reach out to AmazingHiring database has expanded to include +24% profiles […]
Most recruiters see an average candidate response as low as 20%. That’s just 2 out of every 10 people you contact, making for extremely unproductive email strategies. Still, cold emailing remains one of the most effective methods of recruiting new candidates, so what can you do to increase that measly response rate? The first step […]