Top 10 Sourcing Secrets with AmazingHiring
The Sourcing community loves nothing more than sourcing tips and unusual ways of finding candidates. Moreover, AmazingHiring fast tracks the tech recruiting process by automating sourcing from all major social and professional networks. Additionally, Amazing Hiring provides an extensive range of hints on how to create elaborate search queries to source the right candidate profiles for any technical recruiter.
Utilize these life hacks when you feel that you’re experiencing a lack of creativity and you’re seeking fresh sourcing ideas.
Secret 1. How to discover candidates who haven’t mentioned their city
Let’s try to find Swift-developers from Holland. Use “NOT” operator to EXCLUDE the most popular cities to see people who most probably mentioned the Netherlands as a location, but didn’t specify the city at all.
Secret 2. How to find developers from certain companies
Answer: Use the “OR” builder in spreadsheets to make a company list.
- Create a company list in the spreadsheet
- Insert ORs in the second column
Сopy both columns
- Paste it in the URL bar in your browser
Copy again
Paste in the Company search on AmazingHiring
You will get the list of people who are employed or who were employed by the selected companies.
Secret 3. How to find potential repatriates
For example, let’s try finding people from the EU (outside Poland) who speak Polish.
Another hint is to use the “University” filter, but the search results can be broader in this case.
Secret 4. How to find donor-companies for your vacancies
Easy! Let’s search for UK companies that top-ruby developers are employed by. Enter your requirements to the AI search in AmazingHiring.
Then open a Company Filter and find new donors for your market mapping.
Secret 5. How to make a decision about a new office location
Use the Location Filter in your search in AmazingHiring. You will see the distribution of the developers with the required skills by cities.
Secret 6. How to find Java developers with banking (any specific) experience?
In AmazingHiring select Java technology and the location. In the keyword field, insert bank and asterisk after it = bank*.
Secret 7. How to gather more relevant information about prospective candidates on Facebook or Linkedin?
Use Phantombuster or DataMiner to parse lists from Facebook/ Linkedin.
Upload the profile links to the Data Enrichment and let AmazingHiring add more information about the prospects.
You can parse people, who liked your page or attended some target events and convert them into the potential candidates matching them with your current job openings.
NB! More use cases of how to use Data Enrichment are coming soon! Claim for your free 150 Data Enrichment credits already now!
Secret 8. How find people from specific city w/o mentioning it directly
You may need to find candidates outside capital cities but who have studied in top universities. Or you’d like to alter your search queries to find new profiles whom you haven’t sourced yet.
We recommend using the Education filter for such cases.
Secret 9. How to search among previously selected people for different projects but with the new requirements?
Open your previous vacancy folders and refine the search by adding new requirements for the project.
Secret 10. How to find experienced candidates if they do not have a full career history on Linkedin?
When a C-level person doesn’t provide their full (or significant part) of the work experience, the search systems may consider them as under-experienced and exclude from the search results.
Combine little years of experience with the seniority level filter in AmaingHiring to find these hidden stars!
Start your AmazingHiring trial to try out all these sourcing hints >>
Find IT candidates with AmazingHiring!
AmazingHiring is an AI-based aggregator to source passive IT candidates across the web. It finds people profiles from 50+ networks like GitHub, StackOverflow, Facebook, Kaggle, etc. and provides recruiters with candidates’ professional background, contacts, and social links.
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