Technical recruitment is a dynamic industry, where needs and trends are constantly changing. AmazingHiring team has introduced new features to bring even more value to recruiters and sourcers and make user experience better and more efficient. Let’s dive into them! Even more candidates to reach out to AmazingHiring database has expanded to include +24% profiles […]
With OpenAI dominating our newsfeeds and industry trends, the necessity for a more automated sourcing process grows daily. AmazingHiring is bringing special summer updates to ensure your sourcing process is faster and more efficient than ever before. Hiring demands and the situation on the talent market have been changing significantly this past year. We knew […]
In this blog post, we have gathered a list of books for recruiters, HRs, and anyone interested in building the company culture and work relationships. We hope you will find it useful. Enjoy the reading! Books that Every Recruiter Should Read Lou Adler’s Books As a recruiter, you must have heard Lou Adler’s name a […]
Sourcing is the key in the hiring process, as it helps the recruiter to find relevant information about the right candidates with experience and skills a company needs. With sourcing, it’s easier to identify if the candidate is actively looking for a job or not. At first, sourcing may seem like a very overwhelming and […]
When looking for exceptional talent, turning passive candidates into active ones is one of the things recruiting departments focus on. However, everyone knows how much harder it is to reach out to passive candidates than to people who are actively searching for a job. Still, there is no need to say that pursuing passive candidates […]
Disclaimer: The article is created based on materials provided by Yves Greijn, Lead Engineering Sourcer (ex-QuantumBlack, now Miro), Neha Naik, CEO of recruitgyan.com, and Monika Nemcova (AIHR, ex-Content Marketer from harver.com) How do you measure your recruiting success? We have prepared an ultimate list of recruiting & sourcing metrics to be checked regularly. All metrics formulas can […]
Welcome to the newest entry to our Guide for Building and Scaling Sourcing in Fast-Paced Organizations. For this article, we had great help from Kate Hotsyk from A-Players Recruiting to discover her take on the most meaningful baseline skills and qualities every exceptional sourcing professional should possess. Kate is a Lead Talent Sourcer Consultant with […]
Everybody likes a heartwarming and inspiring success story. If you look at the answers to this question on Quora, there are a few of those. Like the one where a talented developer answered a simple question: “What are the best Python scripts you’ve ever written?”. After the answer had got traction and attention around the […]
With this interview, we are expanding our Guide for Building and Scaling Sourcing in Fast-Paced Organizations. You may find other entries to this guide in our blog. GitLab builds software to help others build software. Their best practices in fulfilling recruitment requirements apply to any fast-paced organization searching for tech talent. That is why today […]
We have already written plenty about the fact that if you want to find a strong developer, usual sourcing resources are not very helpful: top developers do not search actively for new jobs and do not use regular job boards or LinkedIn. You will have to use specialized sites to find top tech talent. So […]