Technical recruitment is a dynamic industry, where needs and trends are constantly changing. AmazingHiring team has introduced new features to bring even more value to recruiters and sourcers and make user experience better and more efficient. Let’s dive into them! Even more candidates to reach out to AmazingHiring database has expanded to include +24% profiles […]
The pandemic brought a lot of challenges to the companies as well as to the HR professionals. Almost every company has faced a huge shortage of staff due to several lockdowns, and now when the situation is getting better, recruiters are responsible for filling an enormous amount of positions. This is where recruitment marketing automation […]
Recruiters tend to spend a lot of time on monotonous tasks like aligning calls, sourcing candidates’ emails and phone numbers. However, these days many online tools can make a recruiter’s life much easier. Here are the top FREE solutions every recruiter should know about in 2022! Best free sourcing solutions Using top sourcing tools helps […]
It’s no secret that candidates may not be completely truthful in their CVs or during the interviews. Some may unintentionally lie to make a better impression during the interview. But in the battle to stand out among the competitors, some candidates take it a bit far and fudge the truth. The most common things candidates […]
It has been 64% more searches of DevOps on the AmazingHiring platform at the end of this year compared to the beginning of 2021. Lots of companies are struggling to find DevOps engineers locally, especially since this is a type of job that cannot be fully remote. We’ve collected some data from AmazingHiring platform to […]
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace bring many benefits and opportunities to the company. Implementing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy will help to build top teams with diverse talent that will push a company to more success. Studies have shown that companies with diverse teams have higher financial returns. Moreover, diverse companies are […]
What the data tells about the 2021 tech labor market While 2020 was a year of layoff announcements and the supply of engineering talent exceeding the demand, at the end of 2020 Microsoft predicted a five-fold increase in the total number of tech-oriented jobs across the world. They were not mistaken. 2021 can now be […]
For Recruitment Leaders in big companies, managing freelance sourcers may be a huge part of day-to-day operations. In this entry to our Guide for Building and Scaling Sourcing in Fast-Paced Organizations, we decided to take a look at the job of a manager of a freelance sourcer from both manager’s and freelancer’s perspectives. We’ll be using help from Vanessa Raath, a freelance sourcer, global talent sourcing trainer, career brand specialist, and coach who kindly agreed to do this interview.
Sourcing Tech Talent on Twitch: How to Find Software Developers Using the Popular Streaming Platform
Nowadays recruiting top talent is harder than ever, as the competition between companies only grows. Sourcing requires new creative solutions and going beyond the traditional hiring process. Recruiters should use ways that would attract the right people, who will eventually join great teams in tech companies. Social media channels serve as unique platforms, where tech […]
Recruiting using different social media allows you to not only find quality talent but also engage and connect with them. Sometimes to find outstanding software developers, you need to look for them in places, where not so many recruiters go. We previously covered best recruiting practices on GitHub, StackOverflow, and even Reddit. We also have […]
NB! Clubhouse is a brand new social network, and the information in this article might be not up-to-date. However, AmazingHiring takes great care in keeping this article fresh, so please check the date of the publication to know when the last review has been made. Let’s start! What is Clubhouse, and what the fuss is […]